Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Turkey Berg (burger)


I've been very secretive about my turkey burger recipe.  For those of you that know me I don't eat a lot of red meat, I really don't like it but I've been getting into it lately.  Basically what I'm saying is turkey burgers are right for me.  I tried my best to COMPLETELY COPY DMK Burger Bar (Chicago, heres a menu) flavor.  Have I done it? No clue, does it taste awesome? Absolutely.  Perhaps my favorite part about them is they taste good alone, with cheeze (that's right, with a z), or any delicious DMKesk topping you can think of.

They're good for you, especially if you use the weird ingredients like coconut oil and stuff, lean and awesomeness.  I try to make these once a week, use em for lunch usually, store em, eat em every few days, nom nom nom. Are you ready? Here goes.

-A griddle pan or large flat pan (the less surface space the longer it takes, can't leave uncooked turkey in the fridge)
-large mixing bowl
-some sort of turning dealie spatula or something
-perhaps a cutting board
that's it, easy right

-2 lbs of ground turkey
-garlic, 2 cloves (refer to Tip #1) (I use 3, you use 2 I use too much for you)
-1 egg
-1 cup flour (I use gluten free flower, dosen't change the flavor and supposedly better for you)
-cayenne pepper powder(ok #1 doesn't apply here, don't want chunks) (optional)
-oil or even coconut oil (again supposed to be better for you, does get a bit smoky and again doesn't change the flavor)

-put the pan on medium hot, you want it to be ready for you when you're done mixing the burgers, if your pans heat quickly (mine don't, high altitude we have stupid electric, I'm buying an induction stove) you can wait to heat the pan to when you're separating the patties (like I did in Chicago).

-if you are using real garlic as I like to, mince the garlic now before you deal with the turkey (don't want turkey hands touching your kitchen)
- The size of the garlic chunks very much effect the burgers, the bigger the more garlic you'll get when you get garlic, I change it every time depending on how I'm feeling but little minces are the way to go for first timers

In the mixing bowl

-you put the binding ingredients in before the turkey, its easier to deal with so...
-put in the flour
-crack the egg, don't bother scrambling it, it will break down
-add the turkey
-mix it up use your hands, not a spoon, just gets too hard to mix
-now add the garlic (#1!)
-hit it with just a little salt
-put a nice coat of pepper on top (don't layer it just a nice spread)
-if you're not using the cayenne, please do, it gives it an extra flavor profile that you'll miss, it's not hot I promise, 2/3 shakes of the shaker will do
-mix it up again
-take a sniff, if it doesn't smell like anything, add some more black pepper, (TIP #4 taste is so much about smell, if you don't like the way it smells, not only will your taste buds be adjusted, but you're already going to have a preconceived notion if you're going to like it)

For those of you who haven't heated your pan do so now (med high)
-separate your meat into nice round short patties, about 5 oz.

On the pan

-put patties on the pan, leave some space to work with
-once the bottom starts to have a nice brown color (4 minuteish) flip it and get the same color on the other side
-add your cheeZe about a min after flipping it if you're using cheeZe, you want it to melt


Now here are some of your questions, AJ, its turkey don't you want them to cook all the way? Yes, if your burgers aren't cooking all the way through you're making your patties too big. These are about lean meat, you don't want to have a 9oz burger that takes almost double the time to cook because of a lower temp, we want those sides to fry up.

That's a lot of words (do that in a Luigi from the Simpsons voice, and if you don't know what that is, any stereotypical Italian voice will do)  Enjoy your Turkey Burgs, they is good
Here they are with guac and a nice mixed vegetable jambalaya type mix I made, if you're interested let me know 

#4 taste is about smell

FOLLOW MY TWITTER @aj_weinberg

1 comment:

  1. Boy I am lucky to have an amazing chef in my kitchen every night. Keep posting these wonderful blogs... This way I have some evidence to back up all my bragging!
