Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jambalaya de Camarón (Shrimp) and sizzling mushrooms

Alright here we go again, I wrote this last night, posted it, when I went to add the pictures, GONE, WTH.  So here we go again.

This is that shrimp recipe I promised you, it's finally here, and trust me it was worth the wait.  First a shout out to de buddy @levnaginsky for giving me the book to inspire my Spanish ideas, follow him on twitter, hell appreciate it. So some notes on the mushrooms, YOU HAVE TO CLEAN THEM! If you don't your food will taste like dirt, literally dirt, mushrooms grow in the ground, they're dirty. Here's how, Get some COLD water running, not at full blast, its got to be cold or else the mushrooms get, well, mushy.You clean the cap with a mushroom brush (yes it exists) or I use the rough side of a clean sponge, the only clean enough for me is a new one but that's up to you. Once the cap is clean you can use a pairing knife to de-gill the mushrooms.  They're hidden in the middle of the mushroom so I got rid of the stems, if you like the stems, quarter the mushroom then you can see the design of the gill going threw, just pretty much scrape em.

Here goes the stuffage:

1 medium frying pan
1 small sauce pan
1 large cutting board
1 tablespoon butter
Pairing knife
Chefs knife
2, count em 2 wooden spoons (one for each pan)
1 lb of shrimp
3 cups of mini portobello mushrooms (when they're quartered)
2 Roma tomatoes
1 sweet onion
4/5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of parsley
teaspoon sriracha
Some salt
Some olive oil

Here goes nothing, again:

-If you haven't already done the mushrooms, clean them and quarter them now, you won't have time later

Frying pan:
-add the butter on medium high, we're gonna leave it there till it starts to brown

Cutting board
-Cut the onion into 1 inch strips
-mince the garlic, put half with the onions and half with the mushrooms
-IF the butter hasn't browned yet, cut the tomatoes into quarter inch thick rounds, save em for later

Off the cutting board into the frying pan (into the fire, Hobbit joke get it)

-Now that your butter is brown, add the onion and garlic, stir regularly, don't let them stick(If you did cut your tomatoes earlier, do it now)
-Once the onions are the texture you like them (Tip #2) I like em after about 10 minutes, put the tomatoes in the pan, give em as much direct pan contact as you can, put a little salt in

-When the tomatoes start to juice, turn the pan down to medium, use your wooden spoon to mash em up, keep stirring regularly, cook for about 15 minutes

Now to the sauce...pan:

-coat the bottom in oil and turn heat to medium high-once hot put in the mushrooms and garlic, make sure the oil gets on all the mushrooms, stirring regularly
-cook for about 3 minutes then add the sriracha and stir in


-after the tomatoes have been in for 15 minutes put the shrimp in they frying pan with the onions and tomatoes
-shrimp take pretty much no time to cook, they'll get pink and curl a bit then your done
-After the mushrooms have cooked for about 10 minutes, check the texture, if you like it, turn the heat off, add more salt if you wish and the parsley(Tip #1), stir in

Serve the two dishes side by side, pour the remaining oil over the shrimp once it's plated

That's it, I promise it's delicious.  Follow me on twitter @AJ_Weinberg and that's the best way to ask questions or suggest proteins you want cooked 

NO NEW TIPS TODAY, sorry, you'll deal 


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